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Czechia fl Austria Spain
Czechia fl Austria Spain



June 1 - 10 and September 21 - 30, 2025

  • $5,400 (double occupancy)
  • $700 single supplement
  • Arrive and Depart in Strasbourg
The Alsace region is located in the northeast of France. At the western side are the Vosges hills and mountains and to the east is the valley of the Rhine River and Germany. Alsace became German from 1870 until the end of World War I and was occupied during World War II. Though quintessential French, there are German influences in the building style of the homes, the local dishes and the language. The main attractions of this bicycle trip are the vineyards and the historical towns, many with the remnants of a castle and medieval walls. And the good food and local wines. After the first section of the trip, we follow more or less the Route du Vin and cycle on small roads through thousands of vineyards. We pass through lovely villages and towns with colorful half-timbered houses and many, many excellent wineries. Food and drinks are excellent. The white wines are very famous with the great names like Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Pinot and nearly every town has a special Grand Chu of one of these brands. The food is also excellent with super and special dishes like choucroute (sauerkraut in hundreds of variations), baeckoff (meat dish), tarte flambee (out of a very hot oven), kougelhopf (dessert) and many more. We will taste wine, see how their excellent cheeses are made and experience the local cooking qualities at several occasions.


Bicycling days are 30-35 miles with a moderate level of difficulty. Mostly in France, but sometimes we will cycle in Germany. There are a few hills, especially on the first part of the trip but they are never very long. Most of the cycling is fine on the gentle slopes of the hills. On the second day of the two-night stays we can adjust the schedule depending on ambition. Overall, the trip is rated as easy to moderate.

Arrival and Departure

Arrival and departure will be in Strasbourg, there is an airport and there are fast trains from Paris and Frankfurt to Strasbourg. Also Lufthansa flies into Frankfurt and offers shuttle service to Strasbourg.


Trip price includes 5 dinners and all breakfasts, accommodations in 4-star hotels; 4 two-night stays and 1 one-night stay.
Contact us for more details
Phone USA: (+1) 303-586-1791
Phone EU: +43 650 456 0123
Looking forward!

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Tour Operator - Wandermeister David Gerstel * Malbun 11 - FL-9497 Triesenberg - Liechtenstein