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Southern France

October | 10 days Walking & Sightseeing in Southern France

Pricing: USD 3300
--> all breakfasts and 4 dinners
--> guides
--> all kind of transportation:
transfers to and from the airport, van support at any time
Deposit: USD 500
Single room supplement: 500.-
Sights:Mediaval villages, Roman amphitheatres, Cathar Land, Coastal hikes/walks, French dinners and wild National Parks
Walking level: easy
Specials: Flexibility - you choose between walking and sightseeing: there is van support throughout the trip and the van can take you to all places!

Details for wallking and sightseeing in Southern France

This trip will take us first to the Cathar Land and its wondefull capital Carcassonne (biggest fortress in Europe!) and its gorgeus Castles. Wild coasts, white horses and picturesque hill-villages surrounded by the typical Lawendel colors of the Provence are only some highlights of this trip. We won't be staying anywhere longer than two nights. And if you decide to take it easy for a day or two, you can just tour in our support van, which can taky you anywhere.
Contact us for more details
Phone USA: (+1) 303-586-1791
Phone EU: +43 650 456 0123
Looking forward!

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Tour Operator - Wandermeister David Gerstel * Malbun 11 - FL-9497 Triesenberg - Liechtenstein