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Czechia fl Austria Spain

Northern Italy: Alto Adige, Trentino, and Veneto

Northern Italy

September 15 – 24, 2024

  • $5,400 (double occupancy)
  • $700 single supplement
  • Arrive and Depart from the Venice airport
A blend of languages, ripe wines, and manicured cycling paths make the Northern Italy trip a favourite for many returning clients! This trip follows the Alto Adige (South Tyrol) and Trentino areas in the north and north eastern part of Italy. You’ll start near the Austrian and Swiss borders and end in the Veneto. You’ll continue along the Austrian border in the German-speaking region of Italy, following the Adige (Etsch) river on beautifully laid-out bike paths. Eventually, you'll reach the spa-town of Merano, and later Bolzano, home of the famous ice-man Otzi. After, you'll cross the language border and enter the Italian-speaking part north of Trento. ​ There are many highlights, magnificent castles, apple orchards, and a tremendous amount of vineyards. And not to forget: the delectable food and drink that make the world to fall in love with Italy.


Moderate riding, averaging 35 to 40 miles per day, with a few tough hills


Trip price includes 5 dinners and all breakfasts, accommodations in 4-star hotels; 4 two-night stays and 1 one-night stay.

Arrival and Departure

Pick up and drop-off at the Venice airport.
Contact us for more details
Phone USA: (+1) 303-586-1791
Phone EU: +43 650 456 0123
Looking forward!

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Tour Operator - Wandermeister David Gerstel * Malbun 11 - FL-9497 Triesenberg - Liechtenstein